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Ready to take the next step in getting the most out of your fitness and nutrition

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes. The $95 membership fee will incur monthly until you cancel your membership.

  • No. The entire purpose of following a macro-based diet is to allow flexibility. We are all human and enjoy food that tastes good. Does that mean you will be eating cookies all day? Of course not. A large portion of your food items will be a meat & potato style diet (unless you are vegan.) Aside from that, I am totally fine with allowing your traditional junk food items assuming it fits into the program.

  • Most programs are between 3-5 days per week depending on your work schedule and goals.

  • No. Majority of my clients do no more than 10-20 minutes of cardio per day which is typically used as a warmup anyways. Of course there will be scenarios where we might require more cardio but as an overall rule I do not implement extended sessions of cardio.

  • This is totally up to you. I will make adjustments as often as you would like. Generally speaking, I will update your nutrition program every 2 weeks on average and the exercise plan every 3-4 weeks on average. It all varies though.

  • No! I offer standalone nutrition plans and workout plans. If you’re looking for both and the added benefit of having a coach for questions and accountability, then the 1:1 coaching is for you!