
I’m a Fitness Coach who works with busy people that need help creating structure in their fitness routine for results that will last!

We all have different lifestyles & preferences that need to be considered. I make it a point to tailor the program to you.

I’ve always lived an active lifestyle.

I grew up in an athletic family that prioritized health which helped me develop the habits early on!

Throughout high school and college, I was regularly asked questions about diet & exercise. I started making workout/diet plans for free and after a while of doing that, I realized I could turn this into something to help even more people and that is where PJ Fitness began.

I have been coaching since 2017 and helped hundreds of people become a better version of their self!



I have a clear focus on building muscle through strength and cardio training. No exercise hacks here!


I use a macro-based nutrition approach. With a good balance of protein, fat, and carbs, you'll build a strong body.


I take the time to get to know all my clients before beginning their fitness and nutrition plans. All programs are tailored to you!

my background

I played sports growing up so I was always around active people. Basketball was my main sport and my classmates & I would go to the Carnegie Library in Homestead, Pennsylvania to play pickup games. They had a small gym so sometimes after the games a few of us would go mess around in the weight room. After messing around enough times, I started to really enjoy lifting weights!

Feeling strong and seeing my body change was a huge motivator.

I worked out regularly since I was in 6th grade but really became obsessed with the understanding of diet/exercise when I was in college. I started watching every single YouTube video available (there wasn’t much content on IG at this time). I soaked up every article and video I could find.

My personal obsession with fitness paired with the actual understanding is what allowed me to become a resource to help other people.