your online
fitness coach

Bringing you simple & tailored fitness and nutrition plans that will help you reach your goals.

I’m going to take a wild guess here and say

those ‘quick-fix’ diets and workouts aren’t delivering results.

You're ready for a long-term lifestyle change and genuinely want to understand the habits necessary to achieve results. I'm here to tell you that your goals are possible, with a little help from the right people.

How we can work together

Online Coaching Membership

  • 1 on 1 Coaching

    $250 per month

    White glove service for your own fitness routine! If you are ready to commit fully and want someone to keep you accountable along the way, this is for you!

hey there, I’m Patrick

but most people call me PJ.

I grew up in an athletic family that prioritized health which helped me develop the habits early on!

Throughout high school and college, I was regularly asked questions about diet & exercise. I started making workout/diet plans for free and after a while of doing that, I realized I could turn this into something to help even more people and that is where PJ Fitness began.

I have been coaching since 2017 and have been fortunate enough to help hundreds of people since!


client testimonials